Alumna Spotlight: Natalie Renaud

By Natalie Renaud, ICS alumna class of 2018

I attended ICS for three years and graduated in 2018. I am extremely grateful for my time at ICS and how it equipped me to find purpose and meaning through God’s will for my life.

By incorporating the Gospel into every aspect of education, ICS faculty and staff oriented my life towards God and provided a lens with which to view the world as a Christian. Small groups, chapel, fall retreats, and field studies trips were a few of the unique and influential ICS experiences that strengthened and enriched my faith. After attending a large public middle school, I was amazed by the close-knit ICS community where you can learn and grow among fellow brothers and sisters of Christ.

While at ICS, I participated in women’s soccer, where I made some of my favorite high school memories. The program’s goal is to build women of good character and create a community that values feedback, accountability, and setting the bar high. I am incredibly blessed to be a part of this legacy of strong, hard-working Christian women with our eyes set on Jesus.

The women’s soccer program is one of many examples of how my time at ICS taught me to actively cultivate my faith and place Christ at the center of my life, giving me purpose and direction.

I am currently a senior at the University of Utah, graduating with honors in May 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This spring, I have had the incredible opportunity to work as a Registered Nurse Apprentice at Primary Children’s Hospital, where I have been able to transition into practice before I plan to work as a pediatric nurse after graduation.

My Christian education helped me discover and cultivate my compassionate heart and follow the call to love and serve others through nursing. The ultimate example of caring and kindness is modeled by Jesus Christ through His life and death, and I pray that His love shines through me in everything I do. With all of the trials and uncertainties awaiting me after graduation, I am reminded of how grateful I am for my Christian education, and I can rest assured knowing that God has a plan for my life.